It can feel difficult to know how to get a job after graduating. After all, there are lots of steps to take and decisions to make, from career goals and networking events to cover letters and resumes. The whole process can feel overwhelming. In fact, there will likely be moments when you find yourself wondering, why is it hard for graduates to get a job? Rest assured; you aren’t alone. The job market is always competitive, regardless of how much experience you may or may not have. Thankfully though, there are lots of tips for fresh graduates seeking jobs.
7 steps to take during your job search
In this article, we will review key tips and strategies for how to get a job after graduation. Some of the topics covered include preparing for job interviews, curating your online presence, and understanding the importance of networking. So if you’re wondering how to get your first job after graduation, you’ve come to the right place!
1. Reflect on your career goals
The first step to finding a career you love is to reflect on your ideal job and schedule. While it’s unlikely you’ll land your dream job right out of college, it’s important to get into the practice of actively reflecting on your goals, values, and preferences. In addition to reflecting on your ideal role in the workplace, you’ll also want to reflect on your ideal workplace culture.
Now, take a moment to think about past jobs and internships. Write a list of what you liked and disliked about each of them. For instance, did you like interacting with customers while working as a barista but hated coming in for early morning shifts? Did you love interning at your local art museum but realize you struggle with public speaking? Write everything down! The more you know about yourself as a worker, the more likely you are to find a job you’ll actually enjoy.
2. Perfect your resume and cover letter
Now that you’ve taken a moment to reflect on your goals and values, you’re likely looking for some more tangible advice. So, how do you start your job search and find a job as a new graduate?
Well, to start, you’ll need to learn how to write an incredible entry-level resume. A well-written resume is crucial to being taken seriously as a job applicant. For more information about resume writing, review our articles, 5 Writing Guidelines to Follow When Writing a Resume, and The Different Types of Resume Formats. You’ll also want to check out our professional resume maker to help you get started.
Once you’ve written your resume, you’ll want to learn how to “tailor” your resume for each job application. By highlighting the most relevant details on your resume and including keywords from the job ad, not only will your resume be considered more thoughtfully, but it will also ensure that your application isn’t filtered out by an applicant tracking system (ATS).
Well-written resumes and cover letters are essential for any successful job search. So make sure you write several drafts and seek out feedback from your peers!
3. Prepare for job interviews
Job searches are never easy, especially when you’re looking for your first job. As you brainstorm where to get a job after graduation, you’ll want to practice your job interview skills. Start by coming up with answers to common interview questions, such as: What are your career goals? And Tell me about yourself. Review Positive Character Traits You’ll Need In Every Workplace and practice highlighting your soft job skills in conversation. Once you start scheduling interviews, you’ll want to get into the practice of sending thank-you emails afterward.
4. Curate your online presence
One of the key steps to getting a job as a new grad is creating a professional online presence. Start by setting up a professional email and getting a professional headshot. While you don’t need to spend a lot of money on professional photography, your headshot should be a clear, quality image. You’ll also want to update your LinkedIn account. Depending on your field, you may want to create your own website or some other form of professional portfolio.
5. Engage in networking opportunities
How long does it take to get a job after graduation? Well, like all things, it depends. But one of the keys to knowing how to get a job as a new graduate is simple: Networking.
There are lots of ways to engage in networking opportunities. Sign up for professional conferences in your field and other networking events. Set up informational interviews with seasoned professionals in your field. Learn how to write effective cold email inquiries. Seek out, mentors. You’ll also want to make your own business cards and practice giving an effective “elevator pitch” about your professional experiences, strengths, and goals. And remember, networking can happen anywhere!
6. Set goals and stay organized
Ready for even more job search advice for recent graduates? Alright, let’s continue!
Setting goals for yourself is an important step in any job search. That said, there are several different types of goals. The key to knowing how to get a job as a recent graduate is to know how to create “SMART goals” for yourself.
SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. So, while “get a job” is a great goal, it isn’t specific enough to be a SMART goal. Instead, a SMART goal might be: Send out 3-5 job applications every week for the next two months. Or design and print out business cards and attend 3 networking events this month.
Staying organized is also key to any successful job search. Come up with a system to keep track of job applications, emails, upcoming events, deadlines, and more.
7. Manage your expectations
One of the most important job search tips for new grads is to be persistent and manage your expectations. You may need to send out dozens of job applications before you start getting interviews. So, try your best not to be discouraged. Aim high and continue to research job opportunities. In the meantime, you may want to explore Best Entry-Level Jobs with Useful Work Experience and other temporary jobs while you continue your job search.
Key takeaways and moving forward
There are lots of valuable tips for graduates looking for jobs. Hopefully, ours will help steer you in the right direction! If you still have questions or concerns, you may want to review our article, 5 typical job search mistakes, and how to avoid them. Additionally, you may want to reach out to learn more about our career counseling services and how we can help you reach your career goals.