
Four Steps to Making Your Final College Decision

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    As colleges begin sending out acceptance letters, students are left with one final decision: “Which college should I go to?” As you make your final college decision, you’ll want to consider not only what each college has to offer, but also how each option aligns with your values, preferences, and college financial plan.

    As you’re comparing colleges, keep in mind that there is no “one reason” why you should select one college over another. In other words, don’t choose a school simply because it is the most difficult one to get into. Instead, do your best to evaluate each option as it relates to you, your interests, and your goals. 

    Choosing a college is a difficult decision. And you’ll have to do a lot of soul-searching as you compare colleges. The most important thing to remember, though, is that this is your college experience and it’s important to find a school that aligns with who you are and what you’re looking for in a college education. 

    Not sure when regular decision notification dates are? Check out our article, When College Acceptance Letters Are Sent Out and What to Do While You Wait. You might also want to take a look at Regular Decision Notification Dates.

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    Step 1: Evaluate your options

    You’ve likely heard of the term “holistic admissions.” This means that college admissions officers don’t just look at your grades and test score. Rather, they do their best to consider who you are as a person and as a student. Similarly, you shouldn’t base your college decision solely on statistics and reputation. You should strive to evaluate each college holistically as well. 

    While it’s important to conduct extensive research specific to your potential college major, it is equally as important to evaluate the college as a whole. After all, many students change majors once they enter college, so you’ll want to consider other factors as well.

    10 Factors to consider when choosing a college

    In this next section, we’ll review 10 factors to consider when choosing a college, including class size, extracurriculars, student support services, campus life, and more. 


    Majors and programs of interest

    college major Does the school have the college major(s) you’re interested in? What about college minors? Are you looking for a specific concentration within a program? For instance, if you are looking for a Computer Science program that would allow you to express your creativity and artistic abilities, Carnegie Mellon’s IDEATE concentrations allow you to explore areas such as game design, media design, and animation, and special effects. 

    If you’re undecided, don’t worry! You aren’t alone. Plenty of students enroll in college undecided. That being said, it is important to choose a college where there are several programs you may be interested in pursuing. For more information about potential college majors, check out our article, The Most Popular College Majors and Programs in 2022.

    Does the school have the college major(s) you’re interested in? What about college minors? Are you looking for a specific concentration within a program? For instance, if you are looking for a Computer Science program that would allow you to express your creativity and artistic abilities, Carnegie Mellon’s IDEATE concentrations allow you to explore areas such as game design, media design, and animation, and special effects. 

    If you’re undecided, don’t worry! You aren’t alone. Plenty of students enroll in college undecided. That being said, it is important to choose a college where there are several programs you may be interested in pursuing. For more information about potential college majors, check out our article, The Most Popular College Majors and Programs in 2022.

    college major


    Facilities and labs

    Consider what access you will have to facilities and equipment to conduct research or execute projects of interest. For example, the BUILT @ NYU laboratory provides engineering students the opportunity to conduct research on the design and modeling of transportation systems. 

    It’s okay to consider facilities outside of your major, too. For instance, are you an artist or musician? If so, you may want to look for schools with art studios and practice rooms. Maybe even a few pianos. Are you a swimmer? Does the school have a pool? Are you interested in agriculture and food systems? Does the school have a student-run farm?


    Curriculum structure

    How much flexibility would you like in regards to the courses you can take? Do you prefer a more structured curriculum? Some schools, such as Brown University and small liberal arts colleges, allow more flexibility with the courses students can take through an “open curriculum.” Other colleges, such as UChicago and Boston University, place more emphasis on foundational core course requirements. And some schools, like Colorado College, have a “block plan” where students take one intensive course at a time. The main takeaway here is that there are lots of different educational styles and it’s important to choose one that best aligns with your preferences.


    Class size

    What is the typical class size at the school? Would you prefer to learn in large lecture halls, small group seminars, or a mix of both? At large schools with tens of thousands of students, lecture halls with 100+ students are common, whereas at smaller liberal arts colleges, many classes will have just a handful of students. For instance, at Amherst College — a small liberal arts college with a student population of 1,898 — 88% of classes have fewer than 30 students.



    college extracurriculars What kind of extracurricular activities are you drawn to? Sports, politics, theater? Find out what kinds of clubs, teams, and publications are offered on each campus. Then consider how you would most like to spend your time. Perhaps you want to gain more experience with writing and publishing. If that’s the case, are there opportunities for you to become a staff writer for a widely read college newspaper, such as The Harvard Crimson

    It’s also worth noting that Greek life is an important part of campus life for many prospective college students. If you’re interested in potentially joining a frat or sorority in college, check out our article, What is Greek Life and Should You Rush in College?

    What kind of extracurricular activities are you drawn to? Sports, politics, theater? Find out what kinds of clubs, teams, and publications are offered on each campus. Then consider how you would most like to spend your time. Perhaps you want to gain more experience with writing and publishing. If that’s the case, are there opportunities for you to become a staff writer for a widely read college newspaper, such as The Harvard Crimson

    It’s also worth noting that Greek life is an important part of campus life for many prospective college students. If you’re interested in potentially joining a frat or sorority in college, check out our article, What is Greek Life and Should You Rush in College?

    college extracurriculars


    Professional development

    What opportunities are there to network with other professionals in your field? Does the school offer a strong alumni network to engage with during and after college? Does your department help connect students with internships? Consider whether professors in your department have industry experience or if the school regularly hosts networking events and career fairs. 

    For more information on the importance of networking, check out our article, Networking Strategies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success.


    Campus resources

    During accepted students day, be sure to visit the student services center so that you can ask lots of questions. Campus resources may not seem like the most glamorous topic, but it’s one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a college. If you aren’t able to visit campus on accepted students day, reach out to the student services office via phone or email instead. 

    While you may have lots of questions on your own, if you need help coming up with some, consider the following:

    • What types of student support services are provided?
    • Do they have a student counseling service? If so, is it comprised of licensed therapists?
    • How many licensed therapists are there on campus?
    • How often are students able to meet with campus therapists if needed?
    • Do they have a psychiatrist on campus who’s able to prescribe medications?
    • If so, how long does it take on average for a student to get an appointment?
    • What health services are offered?
    • Are there tutoring centers? How many?
    • What is their career center like? How are students paired with academic advisors?
    • Does the school facilitate access to technology (computers, printers, etc)?
    • What about transportation (buses, bikes)?

    As you can see, the list of questions is extensive. That’s why it’s important to have a thorough conversation with the student services department before you make any final decisions.



    What living arrangements are you open to? Colleges offer options for suite-style dorms, all-girls and co-ed dorm buildings, Greek housing (fraternities and sororities), cooperative housing, and off-campus housing such as university student apartment complexes. It’s also worth noting that some colleges don’t guarantee on-campus housing. If this is the case, what does the average apartment in the area cost? Is the city known for housing shortages?


    Student life

    What kind of social environment would you enjoy most? Perhaps you love live music and want to attend a school that regularly hosts concerts on campus. Cornell University hosts their annual Slope Day where artists such as Snoop Dogg and Ke$ha have performed. Or maybe you are interested in attending a school with strong political and social activism on campus, such as UC Berkeley. College sports are often a big draw as well and can play a key role in campus culture. So can Greek life.



    college location Another factor many students tend to prioritize in their college decision is location. You may be hesitant to go somewhere far from home, or maybe you’re excited to move from a rural town to a big city. Whatever the case may be, think of location in relation to the university and your goals: How will the university’s location allow you to further engage with your academic interests and professional goals? 

    For example, if you are interested in a career as a software engineer after graduating, schools, such as Stanford University, located in an urban setting with a growing tech hub may offer professional development opportunities right in your backyard. If you’re interested in a career in medicine, a school that is proximate to an extensive network of hospitals offers opportunities to gain valuable hands-on experience as you prepare for the transition to medical school.

    Another factor many students tend to prioritize in their college decision is location. You may be hesitant to go somewhere far from home, or maybe you’re excited to move from a rural town to a big city. Whatever the case may be, think of location in relation to the university and your goals: How will the university’s location allow you to further engage with your academic interests and professional goals? 

    For example, if you are interested in a career as a software engineer after graduating, schools, such as Stanford University, located in an urban setting with a growing tech hub may offer professional development opportunities right in your backyard. If you’re interested in a career in medicine, a school that is proximate to an extensive network of hospitals offers opportunities to gain valuable hands-on experience as you prepare for the transition to medical school.

    college location

    Step 2: Engage with the campus and current students

    Another critical component of evaluating your college options is to schedule a campus tour. When visiting, it is important to not only observe the campus, but also to actively engage with the tour guide and other students. Ask key questions such as:

    • What do you like and dislike most about being a student here?
    • What resources are available for minority or first-gen students?
    • Which majors are most popular?
    • Have your professors been helpful outside of lecture?
    • How would you describe the social life on campus?

    Your campus visit should help you better assess whether the particular school is a place where you would thrive. While there, talk to students who attend the university about their experience with academics and campus life. 

    Sit in on a class that interests you to get a feel for the classroom experience and academic expectations. Visit study places on campus like libraries and cafes. Explore buildings and locations that appeal to your interests and hobbies such as museums, the college cinema, athletic gyms, research facilities, art studios, and performance auditoriums. 

    If it is not possible to tour the campus in person, many schools, such as Duke University, are offering virtual campus tours and informational sessions. You may also ask to reach out to current students and set up a phone call or Zoom meeting to learn more about their experience attending their university.  

    And if you are able to visit the college campus, be sure to check out this College Campus Tour Checklist to help you get the most out of your visit! 

    Step 3: Weigh pros and cons

    college decisions Weigh the pros and cons of each of your options. This will help you narrow down your choices. It’s also worth noting that there are ways to compare colleges online — at least in regards to statistics like average class size and student population, and other factors like number of college majors offered.  

    Having a thoughtful list of pros and cons will be particularly helpful when you are comparing two colleges. After all, knowing how to choose between 2 colleges can feel complicated. For instance, maybe you are an aspiring astronomer considering UCLA because it is closer to the beach and you dislike the cold. On the other hand, the University of Pennsylvania’s Astronomy Department would allow you to conduct research with one of your most admired professors, even though you will have to bear the snow. There is no right or wrong answer. Just pros and cons. 

    Finances and the cost of attending each school will also be an important consideration. Understand which school offered the most generous financial aid package and consider how much money in loans you will have to take out to finance your education. If one of your options will put you thousands of dollars in debt, assess whether that is a financial burden you are willing to take on. 

    Weigh the pros and cons of each of your options. This will help you narrow down your choices. It’s also worth noting that there are ways to compare colleges online — at least in regards to statistics like average class size and student population, and other factors like number of college majors offered.  

    Having a thoughtful list of pros and cons will be particularly helpful when you are comparing two colleges. After all, knowing how to choose between 2 colleges can feel complicated. For instance, maybe you are an aspiring astronomer considering UCLA because it is closer to the beach and you dislike the cold. On the other hand, the University of Pennsylvania’s Astronomy Department would allow you to conduct research with one of your most admired professors, even though you will have to bear the snow. There is no right or wrong answer. Just pros and cons. 

    Finances and the cost of attending each school will also be an important consideration. Understand which school offered the most generous financial aid package and consider how much money in loans you will have to take out to finance your education. If one of your options will put you thousands of dollars in debt, assess whether that is a financial burden you are willing to take on. 

    college decisions

    Step 4: Make a final decision using a holistic approach

    Many students find it useful to speak with counselors, advisors, mentors, and parents to hear critical perspectives, receive advice, and share their own questions or concerns regarding their college decision. While it is certainly useful to talk through your decision-making process with someone else, remember that this is your college experience and it’s important to decide on a school that is a good match for you. Not your friends, significant other, parents, or social media followers — You. 

    It is easy to be swayed by the school with the best party scene or where most of your high school friends will attend. However, upon graduating, what will matter most is the knowledge and skills you gained, the connections you fostered, the impact you made, and your overall growth. 

    With your options narrowed down, assess what each of your top choices has to offer as a whole and which option would position you best to thrive both in college and beyond. Ask: Where can I see myself learning, growing, and thriving the most? Choose the school that is right for you and trust yourself as you come to a final decision.

    Key takeaways and moving forward

    As you can see, there are lots of factors to consider when reviewing your university acceptance letters. In addition to comparing financial aid packages, you’ll want to compare colleges by major as well. But even then, knowing how to find the right college for you isn’t always a straightforward process. This is why it’s important to consider each option holistically as you compare colleges and universities. And feel free to contact the office of admission and enrollment if you have further questions. They’ll know how to best direct you to the resources you’ll need to make a final college decision. In the meantime, remember to celebrate each offer of admission! College application season is almost over and you should feel proud of all of your hard work.

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    • Assess your student’s applicant profile and higher education goals 
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    • Share tips on how to navigate the U.S. college admissions process 

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