When you are picking the right college for you make sure to run through the list of whether it’s your dream, target, and safety school. These are the three categories that you want your dream college to fall under. Let’s talk about them in a little more detail. 

The reason we are suggesting specifically curating your college list is so that you are less stressed and more excited to get into the college of your dreams. When you line up a few good colleges that are within your financial and academic reach you are more determined. You have better confidence that you will get into a school that you actually want to attend. 

How many colleges should you apply to?

You can apply to as many colleges as you want to, but we suggest starting with six. If you spread out the colleges you dream of attending, are safe, and are a target college, then that is a good start.

Dream schools

The dream school is self-explanatory, pick the college that you would love to attend if money wasn’t an issue. If your academics fall on the lower end of the average spectrum, this is your dream school because it might be a long shot, but they are still obtainable. 

When you are considering colleges it is important to not be wary of the tuition of the school. A lot of schools offer financial aid or alternative payment options. Colleges want you to attend their schools, they won’t make it impossible for you to attend. Continue your education the way you want to!  

Target schools

If you are looking for your target school, then you are checking out the ones that are within your academic average. This is where you would compare your grades and SAT to the average standard that the college admits. Each college admission is different, but you are more likely to get into your target school than your dream school. 

Safety schools

A safety school is one to fall back on. It isn’t necessarily your last option, but it is one that you should easily be able to get into. You will know if this is your safe school based on your grades and the average that the college admits. 

Additionally, you should want to attend these colleges, and they shouldn’t be the ones you least desire. On top of being confident that you’ll get into your safety college, you should also look into financial aid. Ensure that these are the colleges that you will be able to afford. There are many different ways to acquire financial aid, so make sure to exhaust all your options when looking into your safety school. 

Let prepory help you

Prepory is a premier college admissions counseling organization. Our student-centric approach to the college admissions process is reshaping how students apply to college, find their “fit,” and ultimately receive admission to their dream schools.

We have individualized growth-oriented coaching, mentorship from the nation’s most impressive college admissions team, best technology and curriculum in the industry. Contact us today and make sure get the college coaching you need. 

Key takeaways for searching for your dream school

Remember that you are going to want to diversify the colleges that you apply to. Sending a couple of applications to schools that are in and out of your average academics is important. Remember that you are continuing your education and it is supposed to be fun, pick colleges that you are going to be happy attending.  

College FAQs

Where will you study?

When you are searching for colleges to attend, consider what places they offer for you to study. Are there separate study areas, and a library you can use? Additionally, office hours from your professors are something to take into consideration as well.  

What is the environment like?

Are you going to blend in with the environment at the school of your choice? What is their student body like? Will you be able to mess with all the different personalities? Not every school’s environment is for everyone. Make sure to do your research so you know you’ll be happy there. 

Are you going to live on campus?

Is this college easy for you to commute to or will you have to move on campus? Does your college offer this and will you be able to afford it? These are all other points to take into consideration.

Does the college have your major?

The ultimate question is does the college of your dreams have the major that you are looking for? Ensuring that it does means you are more likely to pursue that school. It’s important to make sure the school you want to go to has the classes for your required education.

Can you afford it? 

The ultimate question is does the college of your dreams have the major that you are looking for? Ensuring that it does means you are more likely to pursue that school. It’s important to make sure the school you want to go to has the classes for your required education.