College Counseling & Guidance Services

Comprehensive, personalized, and ongoing college admissions guidance to help you craft a stand-out application to top colleges and universities

Prepory’s Innovative Approach

to College Counseling

Individualized, growth-oriented coaching

The college application can be better understood as the culmination of the growth a student will experience in high school. Prepory aims towards long-term outcomes that maximize student success, both academically and personally, through innovative coaching methods.

Mentorship from the nation’s most impressive college admissions team

Prepory college admissions counselors and avisors hail from the nation’s top colleges and universities, including Harvard, Duke, and Columbia. When you work with our team, you receive the most strategic college guidance with a personable and professional touch. Our coaches are relatable, approachable, and invested in your success.

Best technology & curriculum in the industry

Colleges want to learn about who you are in your college application. Our student-centric curriculum, developed by former admissions officers and college admissions strategists, builds the self-awareness high school students need to leverage their strengths and showcase their talents as they apply for college.


College Guidance

Our online college platform, MyPrepory, enables you to engage with your college admissions coach and the latest admissions data for colleges nationwide

Engage in one-on-one advising sessions with our college advisors and receive tailored guidance for your academic and collegiate endeavors.

Submit an unlimited number of essays and resumes for comprehensive feedback from our team of counselors and coaches as you apply for college.

Connect with us to discuss your child’s progress and receive tips on how to best support their college admissions journey.

Trusted by

families around the world

What thousands of students & parents

say about Prepory

Our students have been admitted to top schools

Differentiating yourself

is the key to success

The challenge high school students face

Admissions officers at elite colleges are looking for more than just good grades and test scores. As colleges become more selective each year, high school students face the challenge of standing out in the admissions process. When building an incoming class, admissions officers look to admit a diverse cohort of students who each contribute a unique value to the campus.

How Prepory students excel

Prepory helps you develop a college application that will get you noticed. Through our comprehensive college essay writing and tailored counseling, we help students position themselves as strong and unique applicants to top schools. Our 1:1 advising services focus on crafting a college admissions narrative that is memorable and indicative of who you are.

Get started on

your application journey!

Contact a Prepory college admissions expert to start your college success journey.

Our college admissions experts are here to guide you from where you are to where you should be. Through our comprehensive curriculum and individualized coaching, you’ll be ready to apply for college with confidence.

Frequently asked questions

College counseling is a service that guides students toward the path to college admissions success. The college admissions process is exactly that—a process and one that requires critical steps at each stage.

To succeed in the process, students must accomplish several critical objectives: 1) develop the self-awareness and clarity they need to excel in their academic and collegiate endeavors, 2) understand how their application will be evaluated and the strengths and weaknesses of their application, thus far, and 3) how to effectively package and present the achievements they’ve worked so hard to earn.

Much like the admissions committee evaluates candidates holistically, we too, evaluate and coach our students through a holistic approach to get them from where they are to where they should be.

Prepory provides several packages and service offerings. We offer hourly advising, unlimited college essay reviews, and comprehensive packages for high school and transfer students. Our standard annual programming, our most popular service offering, includes 1:1 advising sessions, unlimited essay reviews, college exploration workshops, and access to college prep content via MyPrepory. Our programming is competitively priced, with fees ranging from several hundred to thousands of dollars.

Through college counseling, students will understand how to effectively navigate the college admissions process with confidence and vigor. With guidance from Prepory, students explore best-fit college options, strategically college search, demonstrate meaningful academic and extracurricular involvement, and understand how to strategically tackle their college application.